Courses & Workshops

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Healing is our natural birth right – it happens all the time, albeit often unconsciously.  This does not make the healer any more special than anyone else.  Everyone can heal; it is just enhanced with training.
Do I already need to be healed to become a healer?   No, you move through your own ‘stuff’ as you do the course.  It is your own life journey, which is both your greatest teacher and your greatest gift.
Will I be able to feel/see/sense what I am doing?  Of course you will.  You do it anyway, but at the moment you may not be fully aware of it.  If you are already a practising therapist, it will add an extra dimension to your current modality.
Is this course of any value if I don’t want to be a healer?   Yes, you will find that it increases your intuition and your interpersonal skills tremendously.  You will also begin to understand yourself a lot better.  During the course you will receive healing and this can only be of benefit to you.
Can I use this form of healing with another modality?  Yes, it complements all therapies.  You can incorporate all or part of the information.  You are given a ‘tool kit’ and it is up to you to play with the various techniques and use them as intuitively guided.




Inner Tuition Module I

Explore energy fields and bodies, listening skills, chakras, inner child issues, deep cellular memory, post-traumatic stress and ethics.  Teaches you four tools:
  • vibration, energy and concept of ‘4 bodies’
  • listening to verbal, non-verbal, silent, energy, body and other
  • running energy, significance of position in the body
  • introduction to chakras: position/personality, colour/vibration, spins/gender, resonance (base/heart/crown)
    Time:  09h00-13h00 x 16 weeks
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R4500 including materials
    Next course starts:  Thursday 21 Feb – 20 June 2019 OR Sunday 24 Feb – 23 June 2019 
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Inner tuition1

Inner Tuition Module II

Module II requires a deeper engagement with the trainee’s perceptions of reality and illusion.  Using a stronger intuitive connection, we look at the roles anger, fear, blame and personal responsibility play.  We work extensively with deep cellular memory, unconscious programming and life choices. We explore the significance of karmic companions, soul age and archetypes.  Teaches you how to make use of the information learned in Module I.
  • inner child, soul requirements, childhood experience, parenting, how this is held in chakras
  • advanced chakras, tracking/mapping, endocrine system, soul age, movement of information through chakras (spiritual information being grounded and current information clearing old wounding) communicating with chakras
  • trauma, brain development, post-traumatic stress, panic attack syndrome, counselling, stillbirth/suicide, death
  • cellular memory, soul retrieval, past life regression, divination, possession, life between life.
    Time: 09h00-13h00 x 16 weeks
    Prior experience:  Inner Tuition Module I
    Cost:  R4500 including materials
    Next course starts:  Thursday 1 August – 21 November 2019 OR Sunday 4 August – 24 November 2019
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For those who have completed modules I and II of the Inner Tuition course, we offer extra courses to allow a deeper exploration of specific disciplines. This will provide added information and will allow a more comprehensive understanding of the material.



Chakra colors of lily flower upon water in blue night background

Chakras/Energy Centres

The Inner Tuition facilitator will explore in more detail how chakras carry information about different aspects of our perceived reality. We look at the masculine and feminine energy flows within and between each chakra, we explore gender choice and how to disengage from overwhelming pressure. We will look at re-establishing optimum functioning and how to release karmic clutter.
Time:  4 hours per week x 6 weeks
Prior experience:  Inner Tuition Modules I & II
Cost:  R3000
Next course starts:  TBA
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inner child

Inner Child Footprint

Modules I & II explore inner child and inner parenting issues and family dynamics. This specialised course will explore these much more intensively.  Using powerful communication skills, we look at addiction, abuse, toxic relationships, unfulfilled childhood experiences, trauma, grief and post-traumatic stress.
Time:  4 hours per week x 6 weeks
Prior experience:  Inner Tuition Modules I & II
Cost:  R3000
Next course starts:  TBA
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medical intuit

Medical Intuition

The Inner Tuition facilitator will explore and experience how and why the body creates dysfunction, disease and discomfort. We connect to this inner intelligence and assist with healing during/after surgical removals or implants; assisting in slow responses to treatment and in regaining general well being. We look at the overall message and purpose for these conditions and how to release them.
Time:  4 hours per week x 6 weeks
Prior experience:  Inner Tuition Modules I & II
Cost:  R3000
Next course starts:  TBA
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cellular memory

Deep Cellular Memory Release

Using deep relaxation techniques we are able to access the memory held within the cells of the organ, limb, faculty or muscle of the individual, to assist them to release the concepts, memory, beliefs, habits and/or perceptions which cause the behaviour patterns which no longer serve them.  Once these are brought to the conscious mind of the individual, they can make informed choices regarding further action.
Time:  09h00-13h00 x 5 weeks
Prior experience:  Inner Tuition Modules I & II
Cost:  R2500
Next course starts:  TBA
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breathing stones2

Breathing Stones – Extended

This is a simple process that involves no ritual, it works purely with the breath.  Life has a tendency to be extremely busy and we get anxious about slowing down. There is an on-going need to learn to slow down and using stones is a natural way of achieving this.  It takes focus and control.  Using the 13 Breathing Stones allows us the opportunity to connect and communicate with multiple aspects of an issue or situation.  This makes it much easier to understand.  With understanding, comes wisdom.  With wisdom, comes healing
Time:  3 hours x 16 sessions
Prior experience:  Breathing Stones Basic
Cost:  R3500
Next course starts:  TBA
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We offer a series of 2-day workshops.  The purpose of these is to offer a brief introduction to each aspect of the complete Inner Tuition course.  It does not offer any qualification, simply an open forum where discussion and experience are available.  No previous qualification is required, but an interest in the subject is recommended.   We incorporate time for discussion, demonstration, shared information and questions.


medical intuit

Medical Intuition

All living matter is comprised of energy. There are four aspects to each living person:  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  This workshop will introduce you to the many ways the body communicates and includes:
  • correct bio-electrical vibration for health
  • why we experience ill-health
  • how/where we sense the vibration
  • where/why it breaks
  • how to repair/restore this vibration   
    Time:  09h00-16h30 x 2 days
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R1200
    Next course starts:  TBA 
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Chakra colors of lily flower upon water in blue night background


Chakras (energy centres) are the log-books of the body.  Every experience you have is recorded in the chakra relevant to the issue.  This workshop will introduce you to the magnificence of these powerful energy centres and includes:
  • what are chakras
  • their position and colour and function
  • the personality of each chakra
  • communication between the various systems
  • overload and malfunction
    Time:  09h00-16h30 x 2 days
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R1200
    Next course starts:  TBA  
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inner child

Inner Child Footprint

Our adult persona is built largely upon the understanding of what we were taught in childhood. A stable childhood affords one an advantage in adulthood.  A troubled childhood can, and will, play out in adulthood.  This workshop will introduce steps to begin clearing unwanted early patterning.
  • wounded child, conception and energy footprint
  • inner parenting and family dysfunction
  • trauma in childhood
  • effective listening
  • trauma, triggers and addictions 
    Time:  09h00-16h30 x 2 days
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R1200
    Next course starts:  TBA  
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Trauma Self-support

Many people experience trauma of one form or another, bearing in mind that trauma is relative and depends on internal coping mechanisms and an external support system. This workshop will introduce easily understood skills to assist in managing unexpected or unwanted trauma responses.
  • identifying trauma
  • how do we express traumatic experiences
  • stages of healing  ritual and rebuilding
  • support and refer: rebuilding the healthy vibration
    Time:  09h00-16h30 x 2 days
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R1200
    Next course starts:  TBA
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Unmasking Myth & Mystery

There is a great deal of myth, mystery and misunderstanding around the subject of alternative practices.  This workshop will offer some very practical and grounded explanations.
  • religion/spirituality/new-age/shamanism
  • soul memory
  • ceremony and ritual
  • what is truth?
  • how to release karmic clutter
    Time:  09h00-16h30 x 2 days
    Prior experience:  None
    Cost:  R1200
    Next course starts:  TBA  
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breathing stones

Breathing Stones – Basic

Stones vibrate at a lovely slow energy. Working with stones will help to ground your energy and bring about a state of inner calm tantamount to spending the day out in nature. We will use 2 Breathing Stones in this course:  one to represent the problem and another to represent the self. Thus giving one the opportunity of seeing things from different perspectives.  With understanding, comes wisdom.  With wisdom, comes healing.
Time:  2 hours x 4 days
Prior experience:  None
Cost:  R2000
Next course starts:  TBA 
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