Q5: What do you hear when you listen? What are you listening to?

What do you hear when you listen? What are you listening to?
The way young things learn about the world, is by being taught by those older than them. These may be parents or caretakers. Some care for them and some don’t. How these parents or caretakers were taught when they were small has a very significant influence on how they teach those younger than themselves.

Unfortunately, not everyone was fortunate to have a happy and supportive youth –I’m deliberately saying “youth” instead of “childhood” – a “childhood” is a specific experience, and not everyone has had the privilege. “Childhood” is a learning environment; “youth” is learning to survive. They way your teachers communicate creates memory tracts in the brain, and the younger you are when they are laid down, the deeper they are. Or – the more painful the experience, the more permanent they are, too.

It makes me sad when I hear parents talking to children; some treat their children like a fragile life form that cannot, under any circumstance, be exposed to reality ….in any way. The parents thereby creating two separate realities – the fairly harsh world of reality in which they live; and the Hollywood-inspired (or Nursery-Rhyme) world their children live in. In no way does this prepare the child for the unimagined horror of adulthood. On the other hand, I hear parents speaking to their children in a way that thrusts them, willy-nilly into the adult world, without even the courtesy of a brief time spent in the gentle, age-appropriate rate of learning. As adults we do our best to smooth out the differences which become apparent as we struggle to find common ground in the society we float around in. But, thank goodness, I also hear some parents treating their children with respect and genuineness, slowly adapting them to a world of humour, compromise and negotiation, without losing the magic.

So, who and what do you hear, when you listen? Well, this depends to a large degree on the level of emotion present when you listen. If you are listening to someone or something that is fairly peaceful, or laid-back, or where you can take time to think through what you’ve heard, you will be able to pick and choose. You may, for example, hear through the ears (and eyes – you DO know you hear with your eyes, too, don’t you?) of gentleness or excitement; of success or understanding. But if you are listening to someone or something that is loaded with strong emotion, you seldom have time to choose … you usually hear the voices and the circumstances that engraved deep paths in your thinking – usually through the ears (and eyes) of pain and survival.

So, who and what do you hear? Inner Tuition therapists guide and assist to find the middle path between extremes, and offer support to find your own truth, to hear your own words – to hear your own Inner Tuition.

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