Category Archives: Inner Tuition 20 Questions

Q12: How do you calm the babble in your mind that prevents you hearing your own voice of inner tuition? Can you identify your own voice, and/or identify the voices of others?

How do you calm the babble in your mind that prevents you hearing your own voice of inner tuition? Can you identify your own voice, and/or identify the voices of others? I was asked by a very wise man: “Why do monkeys chatter?” Suspecting that this was a trick question, I kept very quiet and

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Q11: Of the many different faces you show the world; which is the authentic one? Why do you spend eternity trying to find it? How will you recognise it?

Of the many different faces you show the world; which is the authentic one? Why do you spend eternity trying to find it? How will you recognise it? I gave a talk a few years ago, which I advertised as “Who is the REAL You?” I was extremely surprised and gratified when a whole bunch

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